IMPORTANT: Change to services due to Coronavirus (Covid-19)
We are making significant changes to our services because of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak in the UK.
Please read this note as it will tell you about the decisions we have made and also how all our customers can play a part in supporting your services and neighbours.
View information on paying your rent here.
1. We are closing our office reception areas and all community facilities to the general public: This will take effect from Tuesday the 17th of March. We will open by appointment only for urgent or emergency meetings. If you have an appointment with us in the next few weeks we will be in touch to make suitable arrangements. You can read more on our office closure here.
2. Face to face appointments only if absolutely necessary: As mentioned above, we are reviewing our appointment calendars and, if it is essential to meet you face to face, you and the staff member involved will be asked to take additional precautions to increase the personal safety of everyone attending.
3. Repairs service – emergency/urgent repairs only: To increase social distancing and limit contact we will be instructing only emergency/urgent repairs to be carried out for the foreseeable future. Please consider whether your repair can wait before requesting a visit. If your repair is a low priority we may ask you to wait for it to be carried out. We will also keep in close contact with our contractors in relation to their service availability.
We would also encourage you to send us photographs or a video of the defect to remove the need for a pre-inspection. Please call us to discuss this further.
4. All community activity including tenant participation and other meetings are suspended. We will let you know when these are up and running again.
5. Our close cleaning and backcourt maintenance services will continue to operate as normal at this time. We ask that tenants and other residents ensure that all rubbish is placed in the appropriate bins as normal.
You should let us know if you are self-isolating or have recently returned from any of the countries in lockdown.
Working Hours General Enquiries – 0141 781 1884
Working Hours Repairs Enquiries – 0141 781 1884
Email enquiries –
Should an out of hours emergency situation arise during this period you should contact the following contractors:
- Scotia Pluming – 0141 771 9600 (All plumbing repairs)
- City Building – 0800 595 595 (All other trades) - City Building, have provided the following update on Coronavirus
(Working Hours and Emergency Heating Repairs)
- Saltire – 0330 202 0444
In the event that you smell gas call 0800 111 999
Health Advice – taking personal responsibility for your health
For now, taking personal responsibility for our own care, including frequent hand washing and not touching your face, are amongst the UK and Scottish governments’ key messages.
It is recommended that everyone follows this advice. If you have any worries or concerns you should call NHS 24 on 111 or visit NHS Inform’s website on
The World Health Organisation has also published a list of protection measures which include:
- Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or clean them with an alcohol-based hand rub;
- Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
- Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene when you cough or sneeze. Cough or sneeze into an elbow not your hand. Use a tissue where possible and put it in a covered bin immediately;
- Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance;
- Keep up to date on the latest COVID-19 hotspots (cities or local areas where COVID-19 is spreading widely). If possible, avoid travelling to these places.