Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What can I claim if I am diagnosed with coronavirus or self isolating?

Employed and entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or self isolating because of COVID-19 you may be eligible for SSP of £94.25 per week for up to 28 weeks.

To be eligible for SSP you must:

  • Be classed as employee and do work for an employer
  • Earn an average of at least £118.00 per week. (£120.00 from April 2020)
  • Tell your employer you are sick as soon as possible
  • Normally you must have been off sick for 4 days or more in a row, however if you are entitled to SSP and are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are self isolating in line with government advice SSP will be made payable from day 1.

SSP is paid by your employer.

Some employers offer contractual sick pay that is more generous than the rate of statutory sick pay, speak to your employer for further information.

Anyone who has problems claiming SSP from their employer can contact the HM Revenue and Customs statutory payment dispute team:

Telephone: 03000 560 630
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Textphone: 0300 200 3212
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

SSP eligibility

Self-employed / not eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

The self-employed or people earning below the lower earnings limit of £118 per week for SSP, will be able to make a claim for Universal Credit or Contribution based Employment and Support Allowance.

Universal Credit – Means tested benefit

Universal Credit is a means tested and the amount you are paid is based on your income. For the duration of the COVID -19 outbreak, the requirements of the Universal Credit Minimum Income Floor for self-employed people will be temporarily relaxed for those who have COVID-19 or are self-isolating in line with government advice. Support for those affected by COVID19

People claiming Universal Credit will be able to claim and access advance payments upfront without the current requirement to attend a Job Centre if they are advised to self-isolate. Universal Credit eligibility

Claims for Universal Credit have to be made online. Universal Credit new claim

If you are not able to make a claim online please contact the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Please note a new claim to Universal Credit will end your entitlement to the following benefits: Housing Benefit, Child Tax Credit, Working tax Credit, Income support, Income related JSA & Income related ESA.

Some people may be eligible to claim Universal Credit & ESA together (New style ESA). If you think you are eligible for both Universal Credit and ESA contact the Universal Credit helpline Telephone: 0800 328 5644 (choose option 2)

Contribution based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – Non-means tested benefit

Entitlement to contribution based ESA is based on your national insurance record contributions, you must have been employed or self-employed in the last 2 to 3 years.

Contribution based ESA eligibility

If you do not have enough national insurance contributions to qualify for Contribution based ESA you should check your entitlement to Universal Credit.

Contributory Employment and Support Allowance will be payable for eligible people affected by COVID-19 or self-isolating in line with government advice from Day 1 of sickness, rather than Day 8.

How much ESA will I be paid?

Over 25 - £73.10 per week ESA

Under 25 - £57.90 per week ESA

To claim Contribution based ESA call 0800 169 0350 - Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Glasgow City Council Scottish Welfare Fund – Crisis Grants

Crisis grants aim to help people who are in crisis because of a disaster or an emergency.

A decision to award a crisis grants will be made within 24 hours.

Applications for a crisis grant can be made by calling 0141 276 1177 Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.45pm.  Alternatively you can apply 24/7 online.

Please contact our Income Advisor Laura Reilly on 0141 781 1884 if you require further information.

Useful links: