#Challenge Poverty? #Aye we can!

Challenge Poverty Week is designed to highlight the growing problem of poverty in Scotland and showcase the solutions we can all get behind to solve it.

In a just and compassionate society, it’s simply not right that so many people are trapped in the grip of poverty. Poverty puts people in impossible situations, like having to choose between heating their home or paying their rent.

Too many people in Scotland are trapped in the grip of poverty, by boosting people’s incomes and reducing the cost of living we can solve poverty.

Solving poverty is about ensuring we can all participate in a just and compassionate society.

For further information on Challenge Poverty activities in Scotland please visit:


Events at Wellhouse Housing Association

#Challenge Poverty? #Aye we can!

Monday 7Th October 2019, 10:00am to 4:00pm

Many pension age people are missing out on the financial support that they are entitled to. Are you?

To support Challenge Poverty Week Wellhouse Housing Association are holding a Pension Credit drop in day for pension age tenants. The aim of the Pension Credit drop in day is to assist pension age Wellhouse Housing Association tenants to check entitlement & assist them to claim Pension Credit & related benefits.

Our Income Advisor Laura Reilly will be running the Pension Credit drop in day on Monday 7th October 2019 between 10:00 to16:00pm.

#Challenge Poverty? #Aye we can!

Wednesday 9th October 2019, 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Will you struggle to meet your energy costs this winter?

Energy Action Scotland reported that the number of households in fuel poverty in Scotland throughout 2017 was 24.9% or 613,000 households. The number of households in extreme fuel poverty in Scotland throughout 2017 was 7% or 174, 000 households. https://www.eas.org.uk/

To support Challenge Poverty Week Wellhouse Housing Association are holding a Warm Home Discount drop in day targeting tenants affected by fuel poverty.

The Warm Home Discount is a government scheme aimed at households who may struggle to pay their energy bills. Electricity suppliers deliver the scheme and will award qualifying customers a one off £140.00 rebate on electricity accounts to help with higher bills over the winter period.

Our Income Advisor Laura Reilly will be running the Warm Home Discount drop in day on Wednesday 9th October 2019 between 10:00 to 4:00pm.

Please bring along a recent electricity and gas bill and your benefit entitlement letters.