If you’re worried about your bills, or finding it difficult to keep warm at home, Home Energy Scotland can help you access support to improve things.

Home Energy Scotland is an energy advice service funded by the Scottish Government that provides free, impartial advice to help people stay in control of energy use and save money on their bills. The service has no affiliation with energy suppliers and the team never cold call. 

Home Energy Scotland can help in a range of ways including:

  • Help with making sure you are getting the best energy deal
  • Support for households with prepayment meters who are worried about topping up
  • Advisors can check eligibility for discounts from energy suppliers such as the Warm Home Discount Scheme under which you could get £140 off your electricity bill for winter 2020 to 2021.

How to get in touch

If you are, or someone you know is worried about energy bills, call 0808 808 2282 or email adviceteam@sc.homeenergyscotland.org and a friendly advisor will be in touch. Calls are free and lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

Win £500 towards your energy bills with Home Energy Scotland!

How good is your energy saving knowledge? Take Home Energy Scotland’s quiz to find out. You’ll pick up tips to help you save energy and money at home –and if you leave your details, you’ll be in with the chance of winning £500 towards your energy bills!

Home Energy Scotland is the free, impartial energy advice service, funded by the Scottish Government. If you’re looking for advice and funding to help you make your home warmer, cheaper to run and more energy efficient, give them a call free on 0808 808 2282 or check out the website below.

Take the quiz